Mapping the Verb lobe

I used the following tools to work out the table showing the cell numbers, locations and position within the brain grid for the Verb lobe:

The general principle outlined below will work for any lobe that LobeStudy can view. Perform the following steps:

  1. Run Creatures with an empty world.
  2. Hatch or inject a new norn. Make sure this norn is selected.
  3. Run LobeStudy and connect to the selected norn. Choose the 'Verb Lobe' from the lobe list. 'Exclude if Value is zero' should be set to 'Output'.
  4. Run the Genetics Kit and choose the 'Export' tab. In the 'Inject' box we are going to execute some CAOS code that will fire each individual cell in the verb lobe. The result of firing the lobe will appear in LobeStudy. Don't worry about the numbers we pass to the CAOS code for now. Just know that the command will fire a particular (X,Y) position of the brain grid. If we hit a cell in the verb lobe area it will appear in the listbox.
  5. Enter the following CAOS command and 'Inject' it using the Genetics Kit: inst,fire 37 24 255,endm
    An example genetics kit screen is available.
  6. You should have LobeStudy and the Genetics Kit appearing beside each other. When you execute the CAOS code above the word 'Quiescent' should appear in the list box. This means that the 'Quiescent' cell of the verb lobe was fired. This tells us that grid location (37,24) corresponds to the verb lobe cell 0.
  7. Now try 'inst,fire 38 24 255,endm'. This will show 'Activate 1 (push)'.
  8. Try each of the grid positions mapped in the verb table that was shown previously.

Back to Tutorial One.